Readme file for STILT/WRF interface tar ball, for version v3.2 and later of the WRF model. 1. Codes assembled here are to enable use of the WRF-STILT interface as described in Nehrkorn, T., J. Eluszkiewicz, S. C. Wofsy, J. C. Lin, C. Gerbig, M. Longo, and S. Freitas, 2010: Coupled weather research and forecasting - stochastic time-inverted lagrangian transport ({WRF-STILT}) model. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 107 (1), 51-64, doi:10.1007/s00703-010-0068-x. 2. For information on STILT (including fair-use policy) refer to: For a discussion of how to choose parameters related to the computation of boundary layer height within STILT, refer to file: NWP/p1229/doc/pblh-instructions.txt. 3. For information on WRF (including copyright notices), refer to: As of version 3.2.1, there is a known bug in dyn_em/start_em.F (a missing initialization line for variable f_flux). Subdirectory NWP/WRFV3/dyn_em contains a corrected version of this routine, for version 3.2.1 of WRF. 4. For compiling and running the wrf netcdf to arl converter, see NWP/arl-format/Readme.txt. For typical WRF-STILT implementations, the output of the converter is organized into separate directories according to the valid time of the forecast files: for example, directory 20081123 would contain converted wrfout files, for all domains (dnn, as in d01, d02, d03, ...) valid from times past 06 UTC 23 Nov 2008 through 06 UTC 24 Nov 2008. These files are then concatenated into correspondingly named files (e.g., d01.20081123.arl, d02.20081123.arl, ...) using the script: NWP/p1564/bin/concat_arl.csh. The sample code in the Readme file, and the concat_arl.csh script, assume that separate times are written to separate netcdf wrfout files. Netcdf files with multiple output times require an additional command-line argument to the wrfnc2arl program. AER cvs information: tag "Release-3-2-1a" on repositories: NWP/p1229/doc NWP/arl-format NWP/p1564/bin NWP/WRFV3/dyn_em